
  • Carolina started the topic Northwestern Uni. Weekend Teaching Opportunities in the forum Job Postings 6 years, 9 months ago

    The Center for Talent Development is currently hiring instructors and teaching assistants (TA’s) for the Weekend Enrichment Program’s Fall 2017 session, which begins September 30th. Students in WEP courses range in age from pre-kindergarten to grade 8, and will be working 1.5 – 2 years above grade level. We offer courses in content areas from computer science & technology to design & engineering, along with science, math and English & language arts.

    Instructors build a comfortable and rigorous learning environment for students in a gifted education classroom, and are responsible for syllabus design and curriculum implementation with the support of WEP Staff. With support from the instructor, TA’s work with individual or small groups of students and support the instructor in behavior management and implementation of academic content.

    Our open positions provide great opportunities for individuals to gain experience in education through a teaching assistant role and for expert educators to work with highly talented, motivated students in an instructor role.