Art Advocacy Resources

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5 Points for Advancing Art Education

Positive changes in art education require not merely advocacy, but leadership. Leadership inside classrooms, schools, and within the larger context of art education can forward the status of the field. Advancing the field requires an ongoing process of learning and renewal for the art educator.

  1. Every conversation counts: Whether your art program is robust or sparse, YOU are the sole representative of the entire field of art education. Always represent the depth, quality, and rigor of what you do every day. Ambassadorship is a full time job!
  2. Stay aware of the values of every audience: Communicate the importance of art education to in a way that appeals to the values of others.
  3. Develop parent and business community partners: Visibility and professional connections within the community can sustain your programming, lead to additional funding, and support local businesses. Parent involvement, properly organized, can also help elevate your status in the community.
  4. Remember your context: Leadership and advocacy should be sensitive to contextual factors. Challenging context norms without a track record of collaboration and success can be perceived as insensitive and out of touch.
  5. Be an exemplary teacher: Although the visual arts content is unique, good teaching and learning is easily recognized in any content area. There are many perceptions about art education classrooms, all of which you can challenge by demonstrating student learning, sharing well-articulated lesson plans, and structuring an enriching learning experience for students everyday. Involvement in your professional organization and pursuing advanced studies in the field of art education can afford you additional support.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”Resources” color=”grey-lite”]Advocacy Resources:
Think Like an Artist

Ready To Innovate

Facts and Figures – Americans for the Arts

Freedman Leadership and Advocacy

Holly, Freedman, Rex Advocacy and Leadership Visual Art


NAEA Advocacy White Papers 1

NAEA Advocacy White Papers 2

NAEA Advocacy White Papers 3

Additional Advocacy Resources:
Americans for the Arts

Arts in Every Classroom/A Video Library for K-5 Teachers and Arts Specialists

California Alliance for Arts Education: Arts Learning in Action Toolkit

ArtSmarts Among Innovators in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

[/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”Illinois Art Education Map” color=”grey-lite”]This map includes a composite of data about art education in Illinois, by county. County and poverty information was generated from the Center for Education Statistics. Art Educator information came from the Illinois State Board of Education’s Teacher Service record.


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Research Update Volume 3 Imageresearch update 1

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[/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”Articles” color=”grey-lite”][vc_column_text]Advocacy Resources:

Articles will be posted soon.

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