This is a full year sponsorship with IAEA! Your company will be given advertising space on our website and in all our electronic newsletters for a full year. You will also receive a full page ad in our annual Spring Mosaic, and a half page ad in our conference Mosaic program.
Sponsorship agreement begins the month following your purchase. Ad copy for the Annual Spring Mosaic must be delivered by January 31st. This is a full page ad 7.5 x 9.5". Ad copy for the 12 e-newsletters should be delivered two weeks prior to the first of the month. (200 x 600px, or 500 x 500px). Ad copy for website ads are due 2 weeks prior to the first of the month (390 x 100px). Ad copy for the Conference Mosaic Program are due October 1st. This is a half page ad 7.5 x 4.75".