2018 Arts Week Poster Contest:
“The Arts Make History Come Alive”

Illinois is celebrating its Bicentennial (1818-2018) and we want you to be a part of the celebration.  Let’s help make a statement that the arts have had an important impact on the history and life of the people of Illinois and beyond.
Illinois Arts Education Week will be March 12-18, 2018 and is sponsored by the Illinois State Board of Education in conjunction with the IAEA and the Governor’s Office. The contest is open to all students in grades K-8 this year. The three winners will receive recognition at the 70th annual Illinois Art Education Association (IAEA) Fall Conference in December 2018. The first place winner will be recognized at the March 2018 Illinois State Board of Education board meeting.
Copies of the entry/authorization form can be printed here or at isbe.net.  If you have any questions please contact the Illinois State Board of Education’s College and Career Readiness Division at (217) 524-4832, or email Cornelia Powell at [email protected] who is the IAEW Poster Contest Coordinator. Entries must be postmarked by December 12, 2017.  Let’s show that the arts do make a difference!

If you are interested in running for an IAEA leadership office or know someone who would make a great IAEA leader now is the time!
Open positions: (elections are this Fall for January 1, 2018 position start date)
State Level:
Regional Council Level:
(This role will include communicating with council membership and promoting council events)
Contact: Joan Mills [email protected] with your interest or nomination name no later than September 1st.

IAEA is proud to announce our new webinar series!  We are excited to provide professional development reaching our members in every large city and small town in Illinois. As an added bonus, most webinars are eligible for PD hours.

Click Here to learn more!

Never miss a new webinar announcement — click the subscribe button on this page.

Webinar ideas? Questions? Please contact Theresa McGee [email protected]

Not a member? Join today!

Need a roommate for the conference? Want to carpool on the way? Check the latest IAEA e-newsletter for a link to connect with other IAEA members.

Since there will be personal information shared, this link would only be accessible via the newsletter. For more information and help finding the newsletter, please contact Theresa McGee.

Are you interested in running for an IAEA leadership position?  Do you know someone who would be a great leader in IAEA?  Please contact Theresa McGee [email protected] with your interest or nomination name no later than September 1st.

Open IAEA Leadership Positions (Election in fall, position starts January 1st):

  • State Vice President
  • State Secretary

Open Positions for all Regional Councils (NE, NW, Central, and South Regions):

  • Council Vice President
  • Council Treasurer

Not quite ready for a full leadership position yet?  Become part of the IAEA Mentorship Program!  Benefits include a waiver of the conference fee.  Learn more: https://ilaea.org/mentorship/

Great News Educators!

On June 16th, 2016 the Illinois Board of Education voted and unanimously approved the updated arts learning standards recommended by the Illinois Arts Learning Standards Initiative. (Fun fact: The arts learning standards have not been updated for almost 20 years!)

The new standards can be implemented immediately; the effective implementation and alignment for districts is 2017-2018.

Next Steps: The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules will review the standards for the approval process. In the meantime, make sure to visit the Illinois Arts Learning Standards Initiative website for reports, documents, and other resources.

Illinois Arts Learning Standards Initiative: 


New Illinois Visual Arts Standards

New Illinois Media Arts Standards

The 2nd Annual Art Educator Show will be held on Friday, April 17th, 2016 the Bridgeport Art Center.

Art educators from across the Chicagoland area will have a unique opportunity to come together for a one-of-a-kind event…an exhibition that’s focused on celebrating their creative talents. Teaching can be an all consuming profession, leaving teachers with little, to no time for pursuing their own creative aspirations. So, whether you’re actively making art or it’s been a few years, there’s no time like the present. The exhibition will be a juried, featuring over 100 works of art and more than a $1000 in cash prizes.

Contact John Zilewicz at [email protected] with any questions



Entry Deadline                               March 23rd 2016
Email Notification                          By April 3rd 2016
Delivery of Accepted Work           April 8th & April 9th 2016
Opening Reception & Awards      Friday, April 15th 2016 from 7-10pm
Exhibition                                       April 17th – June 5th
Pick-Up Exhibited Work                June 4th – June 6th, 10am – 6pm

2nd ANNUAL Art Educator Prospectus

The Illinois Arts Learning Standards Initiative, coordinated by Arts Alliance Illinois and the Illinois State Board of Education, is developing recommendations for updated arts learning standards that reflect best practices. A diverse, statewide Advisory Committee – comprised of classroom teachers, administrators, and teaching artists – recently completed draft standards, adapting the new national arts standards to Illinois.

The forums will include:
— A presentation on the draft standards
— Discussion & opportunities to provide feedback
— Practical examples of how


For more info, and to RSVP, please click here for the Chicagoland Workshop and here for the Springfield workshop.