December 2 Deadline for Arts Education Week Poster Entries

December 2 Deadline for Arts Education Week Poster Entries

Teachers of students in grades 9 – 12 are invited to enter their students’ artwork in the 2015 Illinois Arts Education Week Poster Contest. The postmark deadline to mail entries and forms to ISBE in Springfield is Monday, December 2, 2014.  The theme for the 2015 poster is: Art is Timeless, and the image should relate in some way to the four arts that are included in the Illinois State Standards (visual arts, dance, theatre and music). Teachers may enter an unlimited number of poster designs, but only one entry per student and one entry form for each poster. Click here to download the entry form, or go to the spring IAEA Mosaic and IAEA 2014 conference program for a paper copy of the form.
The student whose work is selected to appear on the poster that will be mailed to all schools in Illinois in March 2015 will be recognized at the 2015 IAEA fall conference and at the ISBE spring Board meeting. Students should not include the text and heading for the poster – these components will be added after the poster image is chosen. Contact Cornelia Powell at: [email protected] with questions or call (217-524-4832).


You can click on the three posters by previous high school artists to view or download.

2013:  Holly Johnson (Hinsdale South High School)

2011:  Nicole Maslow (Hinsdale South High School)

2009:  Niki Annes (Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, Chicago)