Remote Learning / COVID-19 Resources

“We find that in this time of trauma, on a national scale that has not been experienced for decades, our current students need the arts as a means of self-expression and a way to process any emotions they are experiencing at this time. Further, though it looks different now during a pandemic than it did before, we believe students need the opportunity to use the arts to communicate who they are, what they believe, and the experiences they are having to their peers and teachers.”

– Quote from Illinois State Board of Education 2020 Priority Learning Standards.

Remote Learning Resources

Back to School RESOURCES

Support/Recommendations 2020-21

Thank you to all that participated and contributed!



This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.



This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency through federal funds provided by the National Endowment for the Arts.

IAEA hosted two fantastic webinars on remote learning! Check out the recordings below. Special thank you to Kerry Parrish, Sarah Cress-Ackermann, and Dr. Trina Harlow for their invaluable insights and dedication to art education.

Presenters: Kerry Parrish & Sarah Cress-Ackermann
Link to Thursday Presentation


Presenter: Dr. Trina Harlow

Online Learning Newsletter

Facebook Group: Online Art Teachers K-12

return to school

School Reopening from IFT

Share your additional learning resources HERE (Please just add ideas and learn from what has already been posted)


Open Letter to Superintendents, Principals & School Board Members.