Membershow 1The IAEA Member Show deadline has been extended to MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. This is the final deadline, and the entries will judged the week of the 15th. This show has also been called the Electronic Gallery, and it is open to all current IAEA members. All entry forms must be scanned and emailed along with the image templates to Guest Curator Jeff Horwat by September 15 The entry fee is still $15.00 for up to 10 images. Entry forms can be mailed with your payment check but must be received by September 15. Missing materials will disqualify your entries. Entry forms, instructions and the image template can be accessed under the UPDATES heading on the IAEA website homepage at (click on “blog”). Printed entry form and instruction were published in the spring Mosaic issue. Please contact Jeff Horwat at the email address listed here if you have any questions.