Illinois Art Education Association Mentorship Program – Call for Applications

Illinois Art Education Association Mentorship Program – Call for Applications

The Illinois Art Education Association Mentorship Program is designed to build a strong leadership in our organization. Through the mentorship program we hope to guide and nurture new leaders in order to continue to build the strength and vibrancy of our organization for future art educators in Illinois. The mentorship program, which is a two year path, will offer an opportunity for new leaders to network, become more involved on the state and national level and become strong advocates for the arts.

-Conference fee paid each year of mentorship
-Shadows one leader (committee/executive board member)

-Conference attendee and presenter each year
-Required number of years as an IAEA member-1 year
-A yearly ‘review’ of the candidate (Self review and review by the mentor)

Interested members must apply by August 31, 2015
Please send questions to [email protected]